April 29, 2019

The Venezuelan "caucus"

Rick Scott, Senator-elect of Florida. Carlos Vecchio, Venezuelan opposition leader. Political activity, elections November 2018.

Since 1878, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has been an oil producer. Between 1929 and 1950, it was the largest exporter in the world market. In 1960 the Republic promoted the Organization of Petroleum Producing Countries (OPEC), to maintain its leadership in the sector and protect its interests.

 The Venezuelan oil industry has generated billions of dollars, which boosted the country's urban development during the administrations General Marcos Pérez Jiménez (1952-1958), Carlos Andrés Pérez (1974-1979), Rafael Caldera (1969- 1974, 1994-1999).

 However, much of these riches were squandered on corruption, with the abuses of transnational oil companies, clandestine extraction of fuels, concessions for bribery, and entrenched mafias with the euphemism of meritocracy, in Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA).

 This brought the emergence of a minor, but powerful oligarchy, together with prosperous indviduals of the middle class, composed of professionals, technicians and skilled workers, who lend their knowledge to the oil industry. As well as, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian immigrants, who took advantage of the oil boom of the "Saudi Venezuela", installing small and large industries, stores, etc. Classes that imposed their own rules of the game, to the detriment of the immense majority of the poor. This oligarchy, together with this middle class, has nothing to envy to its peers, the great industrialized countries, for its high level of education and purchasing power.

This class, treat their illnesses, vacation, and do university studies in the United States, being Florida its favorite place, for the climate and proximity. However, from 1999, with the rise of Hugo Chávez Frías to the Presidency, with his discourse of redemption, in favor of impoverished majorities, causes that those sectors opted to permanently reside in the United States. It transformed into a Massive process as of 2003, as a result of the dismissal of the leadership and workers of PDVSA, following the coup attempt and the 2002 oil strike, to force the fall of President Chávez.

More https://www.geopolitica.ru/en/article/venezuelan-caucus

April 3, 2019

Univision Falls Apart While Telemundo Rises

A reflection of two groupings of hispanics in the USA.
The viewers that follow both platforms are of different social and economic groups, which provides a glimpse regarding the electoral results in Florida.
The USA has two grand old dames in the hispanic network TV market; Univision and Telemundo who both are based in Miami.
Quick fact check;
Univision: Founded in 1955 in San Antonio, Texas, previously called Spanish International Network (SIN), this was then the first TV network in the USA to broadcast in a language other than english.  Texas’s loss was Florida’s gain.
Univision was originally very inclusive regarding all hispanics, they frowned upon regionalisms, implementing a neutrally accented Spanish format that would be accepted by all of the latino market.  This gave way to hispanics from all corners finding themselves under its diversity accepting umbrella.
Key alliances were shrewdly executed with Venevisión (Venezuela) and Televisa (Mexico).
Thereafter being rated fourth after CBS, ABC, et al in the USA.
The collapse of Univision.
As of 2006, a decision was made to focus almost exclusively on the Mexican American Market and Mexican talent.  This naturally led to a purge of other talent that was considered marginal and markets deemed peripheral or inferior.  Those purged were famed Charitin Goico, Carlos Alfredo, Cristina Saralegui, Nancy Alvarez and Don Francisco, all near legends among latino TV audiences. The elimination of this impressive line-up was followed unsurprisingly by a fall in sponsors and sadly mass layoffs.