May 31, 2019


The collapse of Haiti, the displacement of its inhabitants to the Dominican side could result in the balkanization of the Caribbean, hurting all  America
The island of Santo Domingo or Hispaniola, after Cuba, is the largest island in the Caribbean and the most populated, shared by 2 countries of different culture, religion and language, which have fought against each other for the possession of the same. A similar situation, to the one that occurred in the former Yugoslavia.
Haiti, is the first black republic of the world, after defeating the troops of Napoleon Bonaparte. They’re proud of their race and origin.
The Dominicans love and defend their land against all foreign threats. In Hispaniola was the first rebellion of the natives , led by Cacique Enriquillo (1519) , and the first rebellion of Afro-descendant slaves, led by Sebastián Lemba (1532).
They successfully confronted the English expedition (1655) and defeated the French (1808) , to return to the Spanish Empire, after having been ceded by the latter.
They gain independence by dislodging the Spaniards (1822),  to once again throw the Spaniards out of their territory (18 65), and avoid annexation to the United States (1871). Years later, they become the only country in the world , which faces 3 interventions from the United States: 1904, 1916-1924 and 1965.
With Haiti it has always been a constant battle since when they were a French colony. They entered the territory with the genocide of Neiba in 1797 , and "degüello de Moca" in 1805. Defeating its expansionist pretensions in several bloody battles from 1844 to 1855.
In 1994 the fear of Haiti resurfaced with the candidacy of José Francisco Peña Gómez, Dominican son of Haitians, which was confronted by personalities , such as Consuelo Despradel, Leopoldo Espaillat Nanita and Fuerza Nacional Progresista (FNP) led by Marino Vinicio Castillo (Vincho), which has turned "nationalism" as a flag and distinctive sign. With the death of Peña Gómez in 1998, these misgivings were momentarily forgotten.
With the rise of Danilo Medina to the Presidency (2012), the Dominicans "discovered" they have been invaded by their Haitian neighbors, in a gradual and gradual manner, from the moment in which Leonel Fernández (1996) , and Hipólito Mejía (2000) )  were permissive towards these, due to acquired commitments with the international "progressive sectors" to unify the island into a "binational state".
The overflowing immigration of Haitians is promoted insistently by agents paid from abroad, promoting favorable demands before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (CoIDH) . While nationalism is fueled by Leonel Fernandez, dealing with it to try and return to power once more.
Its peak was during the broadcast of judgments 168/13 and 256/14 of the Constitutional Court, which rejects granting nationality to Haitians born in its territory and separates from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights CoIDH . And the enactment of laws favorable to immigrants, especially 169-14.

May 2, 2019

The Dominican interference, in favor of Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton, Margarita Cedeno, Leonel Fernandez. Las Americas 2019 Forum, Santo Domingo.
Hillary Clinton, Margarita Cedeno, Leonel Fernandez. Las Americas 2019 Forum, Santo Domingo.
Finished the science fiction story, baptized "Russian plot", with the report of the Attorney General ... An Unknown fact, by the majority of the citizens of the United States, is the existence, of the "Dominican plot".
"Collusion", that's what happened when the political class and a large part of the government administration of the Dominican Republic made use of all their resources, to influence the Presidential Elections of the United States, November 2016, in favor of Hillary Clinton.
Very especially, in Dominican immigrants, based in the strategic, New York State.
In this "conspiracy", they intervened directly:
Margarita Cedeño de Fernández, Vice President of the Republic. In unpublished fact, in the writings of history, violating diplomatic norms of non-interference in the internal affairs of the countries, she calls, in all media, to vote for the Democratic candidate.
Leonel Fernández Reina. The husband of the first, 3 times President. If his wife reaches these extremes, it certainly was with his consent. This is demonstrated, in a series of essays that appeared in the Dominican press and his website, where it shows its hostility towards Donald Trump
Hipólito Mejía, former President, does the same thing that Vice President Margarita Cedeño, publicly calling his followers in the United States, to vote for the Democratic candidate.
Hipólito Mejía, was President, thanks to secret agreements with Leonel Fernández, to guarantee him "share of power" and return to the Presidency, as happened in 2004.
The Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM), of which President Mejía is the leader, with operations centers, and leaders throughout the United States, with political background, and experience in proselytism, mobilized in favor of the Democratic candidate, not only in New York, but also in other States where Dominicans have a presence, such as Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, New Jersey & Florida.

April 29, 2019

The Venezuelan "caucus"

Rick Scott, Senator-elect of Florida. Carlos Vecchio, Venezuelan opposition leader. Political activity, elections November 2018.

Since 1878, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has been an oil producer. Between 1929 and 1950, it was the largest exporter in the world market. In 1960 the Republic promoted the Organization of Petroleum Producing Countries (OPEC), to maintain its leadership in the sector and protect its interests.

 The Venezuelan oil industry has generated billions of dollars, which boosted the country's urban development during the administrations General Marcos Pérez Jiménez (1952-1958), Carlos Andrés Pérez (1974-1979), Rafael Caldera (1969- 1974, 1994-1999).

 However, much of these riches were squandered on corruption, with the abuses of transnational oil companies, clandestine extraction of fuels, concessions for bribery, and entrenched mafias with the euphemism of meritocracy, in Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA).

 This brought the emergence of a minor, but powerful oligarchy, together with prosperous indviduals of the middle class, composed of professionals, technicians and skilled workers, who lend their knowledge to the oil industry. As well as, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian immigrants, who took advantage of the oil boom of the "Saudi Venezuela", installing small and large industries, stores, etc. Classes that imposed their own rules of the game, to the detriment of the immense majority of the poor. This oligarchy, together with this middle class, has nothing to envy to its peers, the great industrialized countries, for its high level of education and purchasing power.

This class, treat their illnesses, vacation, and do university studies in the United States, being Florida its favorite place, for the climate and proximity. However, from 1999, with the rise of Hugo Chávez Frías to the Presidency, with his discourse of redemption, in favor of impoverished majorities, causes that those sectors opted to permanently reside in the United States. It transformed into a Massive process as of 2003, as a result of the dismissal of the leadership and workers of PDVSA, following the coup attempt and the 2002 oil strike, to force the fall of President Chávez.


April 3, 2019

Univision Falls Apart While Telemundo Rises

A reflection of two groupings of hispanics in the USA.
The viewers that follow both platforms are of different social and economic groups, which provides a glimpse regarding the electoral results in Florida.
The USA has two grand old dames in the hispanic network TV market; Univision and Telemundo who both are based in Miami.
Quick fact check;
Univision: Founded in 1955 in San Antonio, Texas, previously called Spanish International Network (SIN), this was then the first TV network in the USA to broadcast in a language other than english.  Texas’s loss was Florida’s gain.
Univision was originally very inclusive regarding all hispanics, they frowned upon regionalisms, implementing a neutrally accented Spanish format that would be accepted by all of the latino market.  This gave way to hispanics from all corners finding themselves under its diversity accepting umbrella.
Key alliances were shrewdly executed with Venevisión (Venezuela) and Televisa (Mexico).
Thereafter being rated fourth after CBS, ABC, et al in the USA.
The collapse of Univision.
As of 2006, a decision was made to focus almost exclusively on the Mexican American Market and Mexican talent.  This naturally led to a purge of other talent that was considered marginal and markets deemed peripheral or inferior.  Those purged were famed Charitin Goico, Carlos Alfredo, Cristina Saralegui, Nancy Alvarez and Don Francisco, all near legends among latino TV audiences. The elimination of this impressive line-up was followed unsurprisingly by a fall in sponsors and sadly mass layoffs.

August 31, 2018

A Specter Has Fallen Upon the Dominican Community in the USA

A fearsome blow to the prestige and personal honor of Dominicans worldwide has taken place.
The act that has caused this is the horrendous and bloody murder of 15 year old Dominican-American, Lesandro "Junior" Guzman-Feliz by 8 young violent thugs, stunningly also of Dominican descent. This shocking murder took place on June 20, 2017 at 11:37 at night.
A murder that took place in the Bronx.
A Specter Has Fallen Upon the Dominican Community in the USA
A Specter Has Fallen Upon the Dominican Community in the USA

In NYC, Boston, Newark and Miami where the largest Dominican diaspora reside, heads hang low and hearts are heavy with a collective sadness&shame, since the murderers were of our own kith and kin (now disowned).                             
Dominicans mostly known for baseball, sultry merengue music, great rum and cigars, (very good cigars) are now notorious for a savage spate of violence within their community and at large.
Dominicans known as well as hard workers, business and family oriented have now had that positive image of their community shattered.
Local South Florida Dominican community leader Leonel Peña described this event as; “a despicable thing that has caused the community to become mournful, this savage act done by fellow citizens”.
As usual events like these means that the violence has finally spiraled out of control and is now evident for all to see. 
This now adds to the ever growing hostile climate regarding unprecedented migration that is increasingly taking place all over the Western World in general and the USA in particular, where now the Trump administration is stubbornly trying to impose order where there previously was none. 
The quasi socialist regime of Barak Obama for 8 years granted large amounts of visas to Dominican nationals and now many cities on the east coast host a large Dominican diaspora for good or ill.
Small towns and villages on the island are now nearly empty of their former inhabitants since many of them have relocated to the USA, many to the Bronx in particular, (where rents are low and crime thrives, many live 5 to a one bedroom apartment at times), sadder still for the fact that many of these communities existed on the island for more than half a millennia and are now gone, never to return.
This large scale immigration does not allow the new arrivals to properly assimilate and creates alternate communities, this is something that is inherently unstable and unsustainable as the vile murder of Junior attests, since his murderers don’t even speak English correlating this as the same problem Europe has with it’s own out of control migration.  Obama (like Merkel’s) induction of thousands of migrants was multiculturalism and open borders run amok.  Plus it strips the native country of citizens, a land of it’s people, a human resource that could contribute to that country in the future.

August 29, 2018

The Great Gentrification

A ferocious onslaught against the poor, be they African American, Hispanics (recent immigrants or otherwise), low income whites and the whole rainbow gamut of other minorities.  A serious attack is taking place against them due to the white hot frenzied real estate market. 
This is occurring in mostly coastal cities, where home prices are experiencing radical increases.
This is forcing the aforementioned groups in general to flee the large cities, the long forgotten inner city of the great metropolises in particular, where if you were poor and tough you could find refuge and live a hard scrabble life.  These areas are now highly coveted as trendy by middle class youth tired of the safe suburban life that their parents strived to give them.
However while they are leaving the suburbs and attempting to be “gangsta" and live in the city, they have brought the suburbs with them.
These middle to higher income (we will not use the word, “class”) individuals will not tolerate a true urban setting with the sights, sounds and smells of “da life”.
Cities are being converted into one big Ikea in some instances, where the new urban chic can work and play.  All the while poorer longer term residents are being shown the door.
Crane after crane rise like giants and leave shiny new magical looking quasi-skyscrapers in their wake.  If your lucky and you actually owned real estate in the area some of that magic might ‘ve found it’s way into your bank account. If not you may sadly want to google the location of your nearest homeless shelter or pack up your things and move far away.
This Great Gentrification is done under duress, high price and fee hikes, rezoning techniques on the part of lobbyists and developers against the current tenants that are by and large minorities in the lower income zones of Miami aims to dislodge anyone who plans to resist the gentrification.  We found inspiration of what is occurring in Kevin Baker’s article in Harpers Bazar on what is also taking place in Manhattan.
The Great Gentrification of Manhattan began timidly in the early to mid 1990’s gaining strength after the turn of the century.
The one in Downtown Miami began in deadly earnest and at a dizzying pace just shy of 10 years ago, circa 2007